Research Development, Proposal, & Planning
Want to develop a research agenda but you aren’t sure what to measure, when or where to measure it? Start here.
Services can include: Needs assessment, logic model development, research goals articulation, grant writing and proposal consulting, and comprehensive research agenda planning.
Research Design & Instrumentation
Do you need a survey or a focus group? What do you do with all this great data you have lying around?
Services can include: survey, interview, focus group, and observation development, secondary data consultation.
Data Analysis & Reporting
Have questions but aren’t sure how to use your data to answer them? Perhaps you aren’t sure what the right questions are. We’ll help you out! We develop time-sensitive analysis and reporting strategies that you and your stakeholders understand and can put to actionable use.
Services can include: data mining, descriptive or inferential quantitative data analysis, content analysis, qualitative data analysis such as grounded theory, data display and visualization.
Synthesis and Strategic Planning
At any stage of research, we can help you understand what you are learning and the implications for your program or project moving forward.
Training & Communication
We can help you communicate with your stakeholders by presenting findings, facilitating meetings, or training.
Implementation/Impact Evaluation
If you have an existing or developing program, we can help you evaluate it, with extensive experience in formative and summative evaluation.
Miscellaneous Services
Need a quick lit review? Want a sounding board for some funky data results? Give us a buzz.